Articles and Info

Need more information on a certain subject? We will periodically publish articles on homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, and Shiatsu, what they can do for you, and much more on this page. M.M. Townsend R.Ac., R.Hom. Acupuncturist & Homeopath is committed to finding treatments that work and can ease your pain and illnesses.

Selecting a Homeopathic Remedy

No two cases of the same-named disease are treated alike. The remedy, when correctly chosen after careful observation and questioning, sets the patient on a natural path to self-healing and improved resilience. The selection of a homeopathic remedy can be plainly circumstantial, as in Apis Mellifica for insect bites or Arnica Montana for impact injuries and bruising. Or it can involve an intricate investigation of a whole lifetime, rather like breaching a fortress of a thousand doors with something as subtle as a whisper. I have seen those same two remedies used in constitutional cases, where Apis was critically instrumental...Read More

Selecting a Homeopathic Remedy Part 2

In a previous article we looked at selecting a remedy from the plant realm, where the primary issues are those of sensitivity, adaptability and endurance. An overview of the Compositae (Daisy/Aster) family of plants led us through Arnica to Echinacea, in terms of pace and depth of medicinal action, the range of physiopathology, and personal traits of the subject who might be calling for such a remedy. A similar schema will be helpful in organizing the vast amounts of material, botanical, physiological, psychological, to have a look at the Ranunculaceae (Buttercup) family, equally extensive worldwide to the Compositae, and likewise well represented...Read More