
Acupuncture is fast-growing in popularity in North America as a natural and effective method of pain relief and a wide range of ailments that manifests as rheumatic, digestive, respiratory or urinary symptoms, among others. M Madeleine Townsend has been practicing acupuncture since 1988, and still fascinated! She has served clients in Kingston for 25 years, becoming an expert for locals who want to know more or would like to receive treatment. 

As an experienced Acupuncture practitioner, Madeleine will first gather all the necessary information regarding your condition, physical or mental, and will specifically address energy imbalances unique to your health. The treatment has a direct effect on the increase of your energy, relief of pain, mood, and overall body function.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force – known as qi and chi – understood to flow through pathways, or meridians, in your body. By inserting very fine sterile needles into specific points on these channels, an acupuncture practitioner redresses the balance of these forces.